Wednesday, July 18, 2012


"Here my desperation, see my brokenness, reaching out for mercy, gasping for Your breath. For You are all I need, Your truth unlocks my chains and makes me free. Your light and mercy let's me see, that since the cross I never have to be without You!" - CFN Worship

Wow. Those words are powerful and amazing aren't they. Hear my desperation, see my brokenness. I have cried those same words out to the Lord asking Him to deliver me. Asking Him where He was. You know what? He was there all the time. I couldn't see Him or feel Him, but He was there.

When I get in times of deep anxiety or fear, or am just in a really big valley, sometimes I think God has forgotten me. But He hasn't. He is always there. Sometimes I feel that I just can't go on and I look to lean on Him, or I can't sleep, and I look to find Him but I can't see Him. However, even though I can't see Him, He is there the whole time.

Why is that? Why do I sometimes feel like I pray and my words bounce off a wall and come back to me? I know the Word says He is omnipresent, but why do I feel He shuts me out?

I have learned throughout time that He is there, even when it feels like we can't see Him. Sometimes I think maybe He just wants to know if I will push through no matter what. Othertimes, I think I have cut myself off and not realized it. All I know is that He is there.

How do I know? Because without Him the chains come back on and I fall back into the same bondage. Without Him, I am desperate and afraid. Without Jesus, I am weak and lost. The times that it feels He isn't there, I stop and take inventory of my heart and my life and know He is there. And I stop and listen, if I am still then I can know He is God. I will be able to push through and know that My God is still there. He is always there. He is omnipresent.

Even when we are in our valleys. We just need to reach out to Him, He will be there. We just need to call on Him.

The Word says that whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord will be saved. We just need to call upon His name. There is so much power in the Name of Jesus! Jesus can take away our sins. Jesus can take away our fears. Jesus can take away our anxieties. Jesus can take away our sicknesses. We just need to call on His name.

Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! His Name is holy and our savings grace. To God be all honor forever. "Without you" Yes, without You, Lord I am nothing. With You I can do anything! Love You!

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